Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Monday, February 20, 2006

...followed by an awesome weekend!

yeah, I know....not time for another post yet, but I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jaanie.

And because I don't want this to be a two-line post, I might ramble on a bit more about what's been going on in the last coupla days....

so yeah, this weekend has just been great! I mean, all i did is drive around the coast (even though this car hiring thing was a bit of a pain in the arse...), chill loads and loads, go out on the piss Sat night with the girls in Cape Town, and I actually went for a run at the beach which was just awesome and afterwards I felt like a new person! So good!
The guys at the backpackers are just cool and it was so good to chat to other people again, meet up with other volunteers and share stories, etc. Harvey was there which was great fun and I had a good chat with him about my project so now I'm convinced I'm not gonna give up straight away, I've gotta give it at least another go.
I've rented a car now for two weeks to see how things go and I'm thinking of keeping it for the rest of my stay here. It's just so much easier and I can actually get to places. It's the only way to get around and for me to get to the pool or the gym to do some exercise. And after Jaan has been reporting how disciplined he has been with his work out, I really can't be all that slack...! hehe...

So after a tasty barbie (braai, in afrikaans) we picked up Doreen in Cape Town and went home in a very loud car (never mind - we fucked up the exhaust real good, trying to go up a gravel road. We got stuck halfway up so we put down the gas, tyres spinning, rocks flying everywhere. So we knocked a whole in the exhaust and I called the car rental place, giving them shit about giving me a fucked up car. So they'll exchange the car next weekend, but until thenI've just gotta drive around like that. anyways.).
This morning we had our weekly meeting again where I told them the story of our day in the creche on Friday. So now there's always gonna be a teacher around when we're there to assist.

Then on Friday arvo another volunteer arrived, Tess, from England. She's been to the Kibbutz before and is a total fan of it. She's quite cool, 19 and curses like a bloody sailor - so totally my cuppa tea. She gives me a lot of shit but she doesn't mind taking any from me so I think we'll get along fine.

And then...hehe, here goes another rather scary story from the kibbutz, so Angi - you might wanna just skip the next bit....;)

Last night, after we got back, we all fell fast asleep and I sleep with my window open. Against every advise, I've gotta admit. It's just that the air is so bad in our room cos it's so hot during the day that I feel like I suffocate when the window is closed. So, it's been fine for the last month. Until last night.
So here's what happened: I sleep on my belly and I was dreaming some weird shit, something where I couldn't move my hands. That woke me up and I realise I REALLY can't move my hands. So I look up to the window and I look into a black face of a total stranger, he's holding my hands through the burglar bars and I'm thinking: "what the hell..?!" So I shout at him "fuck off!" and he disappears and all of a sudden Doreen's like : "man, that was fucking scary!" and I'm like :"what the fuck just happened?" So we kinda crack up laughing cos the whole situation was so bizarre but I guess we both know that this could have ended a bit differently.
So yeah, really weird and I guess from now on I'll just have to keep the window shut. And maybe follow the advise given.....

Anyways, I better go cos I was actually on my way to the pool but - lucky me - they are cleaning it now so no swimming for me this morning.
Try again tomorrow.

Probably the shortest post I've written so far....

...take care everyone!


  • At February 21, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    thanks so much for the birthday wishes! too sweet!
    great to hear you had an awesome time. and in regards to the intruder - i think he should be thanking his lucky stars all you did was verbally abuse him because i can imagine you doing some serious damage if you wanted to...

  • At February 21, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    p.s. but yes, maybe you should take the advice of the locals... i mean, they might, just MIGHT, know what they're talking about ;)

  • At February 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Liebste Finti,

    die Hoffnung, dass Du Deinen Aufenthalt unbeschadet überstehst, schwindet und schwindet und schwindet.....

    Bin froh zu hören, daß sich Deine Stimmung gebessert hat.
    Das Auto zu mieten scheint eine gute Idee zu sein.

    Liebe Dich

  • At February 24, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    Jaanie - hehe..ya reckon..?!

  • At February 24, 2006, Blogger Lauren said…

    Hi Janka,
    I live in the States and also have CF. I found your blog via Jaanie's, and just wanted to say how awesome it is to find others out there who don't let CF slow them down.

    Would you mind if I linked to your blog from mine?


  • At February 24, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    Lauren - Hiya! yeah, that's cool...go for it!

  • At March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi girl! Sorry for being so absent lately. Worked a lot for the Olympic Games here in Turin and same old bullshit excuses. So here I am, catching up now with all your stories. I realize I missed a lot! Good to read that you feel better now and that there are still chances for your projects there. Otherwise, I guess you already know what I think: if you don't like it there anymore and you know you've done your best to help, then there's no reason why you should stay. I mean, that would be no failure at all, girl. Come on Janka, everything you did was absolutely great, and brave, I would say. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, but to yourself. And you know what counts is to make the best of your experience, well, if there's no point and you feel you are going nowhere because things are not changing, then try something else. I'm sure there are still loads of things coming there for you, whether it'll be inside or outside the kibbutz. I totally admire you my friend, and I'm proud of you (oh man, do these sound like a grandma's words? Eh eh, just wanted to make clear that you rock girl!).
    As far as life here in Turin is concerned...well the Olympics were just awesome and we had loads of fun, going to a crazy Dutchies'Heineken House where I drank myself to death!Had some 'international' affairs and... I bet I'd better tell you these stories in a private mail,promise to do it soon!
    Take care

  • At March 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    P.S. I forgot to say something and... I can't hold my tongue anymore on this one: haven't I always told you it is fuc*ing stupid (and probably not even healthy!!!)to sleep with the window open?!!! Eh eh eh, still love you girl! ;)

  • At March 07, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    buon giorno ragazza!

    so good to hear from you and thanks so much for the lovely comment...!defenitely send me an email about all them "sleeping dictionaries", hope you all are doing great (what's happened to Armando and Valeria?! hehe....)Give them all a big hugg, including la familia e la nonna en Villafranca!


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