Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Okay, this year isn’t starting out too bad….I finally managed to sell my car for 1600 Euros which isn’t too bad at all considering the fact that the lil' Twingo looked pretty rough (ah..c´mon..it was my first car, I got it three weeks after I got my license…and walls tend to get too close to me so the sides were a bit scratched.. and I hade e few bumps in the front and in the back cos when I park it I touch the car in front of me and behind me a bit to make sure I’m exactly in the middle….there’s nothing wrong with that..!).
Anyways….so now, two weeks before I’m about to leave I got my plane tickets, yaaay!!! I’ll leave Bremen on Jan 20th, go to London and stay there overnight. Then I leave from Heathrow in the evening on the 21st , arriving in Johannesburg on the 22nd at something like 9.00 am. After hanging around there for 2 hours it’s just a piece of cake to get to Cape Town, where I’ll arrive at ten past one and will hopefully be picked up by one of those organisation-people….
On that day they’ll give us volunteers an orientation which usually means a bunch of bla..bla that no one really listens to after all that travelling. But I’ll try to pay attention cos on the next day, the 23rd we’re actually starting our projects…

But until then I’m sorting stuff out, there are still a few doctors´ visits on my list…
And because I didn’t have to spend all my Twingo-money on the plane ticket I treated myself to an mp3 player…no biggie for the most of you but since I’m pretty clueless when it comes to technology…a huge thing for me!
I’ve become friends with my mobile but I still struggle a lot with this blog, with pictures and uploads, downloads and setting and edit…..yeah, I know. It’s pathetic.
The thing is, I’m not blessed with a lot of patience nor am I very good at handling frustration. Due to this rather unfavourable combination I just lose it sometimes and have to seek help from my technology-know-it-all-friends Christoph, Jaan and Peter….thanks guys.. here is your round of applause…you’re the reason I’m confident I’ll get this mp3 thingy to work somehow..!

So here’s something about my health: still not too great but not to worry either. I’m coughing a lot when I’m outside because the air is just so cold. Very damp and depressing weather, the sky has a dark grey colour all day long, you can never tell what time it is. Could be 9 in the morning or 5 in the eve.. no difference whatsoever and that shit is just getting to me. Plus, I’m quite productive (which means I cough up a lot of mucous) at the moment and I find that aggravating as hell. That’s part of the reason I don’t go to the gym and exercise inside….I know they’ll all be staring at me and I don’t feel like having conversations like “nah, don’t worry, it’s not the bird flu...just CF..” or better, they’ll tell me to quit the fags…no thanks.
Plus, I know I’ll be getting out of here quite soon and I’m sure the
climate will make a huge difference to my health. It always has. And I’ll be outside more as well.

Yeah, I guess that’s it for now.. I hope I’m not boring anyone to death but it’s just two more weeks and I hope I’ll be writing exciting stories from South Africa…


  • At January 08, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    not boring at all! yeah, it sucks when youre not feeling the best. im there at the moment. but this is about you, so congrats again for getting the tickets and look forward to hearing something about RSA.

  • At January 09, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    Thanks guys...your comments are cooler than my blog..!

    Jaanie Bananie - hope you get better soon, man! You´re in 30 degree weather and I heard your parents have a pool....what´s your excuse now for not doing a few laps, eh?! nah..I´m really the last one who can bitch...but I´ll still do it, haha. And guess what..we`re sharing a page with Michel, my dear exercising-obsessed friend...well fit that bloke but he´s kinda got a screw lose when it comes to sports...hehe
    But he´s the first german who actually put a comment on this blog so here´s a round of applause for you Michel ***,for that and for being a pain in the arse when you sort my head out....why do you always have to be so bloody honest about things..?! Hehe...
    Glad you like this blog though...you know your opinion matters a hell of a lot ot me.

  • At January 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    boring??...not at all...sounds like your well organised...much better than I ever am!! and perfect timing to be heading to the southern hemisphere...I look forward to following your adventures...Mitch


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