Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Only six more days

I can’t believe it, time is flying by so fast..!

And what have I been doing?! Well, I finally decided to actually carry all of the medication I need for three months in the bag on the plane. I think it would be possible to send it but I just don’t wanna take that risk. That means, since the meds will take up 9 kilos I can only carry 11 kilos of clothes…what a nightmare…! Hehe…

Then I have packed a box with warm clothes and a one-month supply of medication that my parents will send me because after the volunteering project I’ll fly back into London, aggravate Pete and Trudy a little bit and then head either up to Scotland or down to the south of England to get a job….or do something totally different….;)

I’m also quite busy with the TEFL course (hey, if I don’t skip another day until I leave I’ll manage to get the course done exactly on the 20th..! what a timing..) and I’m starting to realise that even though I think I’m quite fluent in this language, I have no clue about the grammar and might just be useless as a teacher. I mean, I had no idea that the plural of ox is oxen. Or that the plural of cactus is not necessarily cacti.. it can be cactuses..! They’re talking about “auxiliary verbs” and I can hardly pronounce the a- word, there are so many things to keep in mind about how to use the board, what to do and even more important: what not to do, how to correct students without simply telling them the correct answer, how to “elicit the target language”, what’s a ”tense” and what’s a “form” … and I’m only half way through the course yet..! So yeah, maybe I should reconsider the idea of travelling the world as an English teacher…

Good thing though, I have finally won the wrestling match with my mp3 player so now it does what I want it to do (most of the time anyways) and after putting about 800 songs on it without being connected to the internet I think I deserve that all the way.

I have also attended a meeting of the CF association here in Bremen (for the first time of my life I think!). I told them about my Africa project and they were actually quite enthused about it. So know I’ll write an article for their homepage about my travels which I’ll try to update every two weeks. Kinda a short german version of my blog posts.

Then last but not least something about my health. I had a clinic check up yesterday and a lung function with an FEV1 of 54% (forced expiratory volume – the amount of air exhaled in one second) which isn’t great at all but to be honest I had expected it to be worse. I feel a lot worse than 54%, still coughing a lot, can’t sleep properly and just feeling shit altogether. But the doc said that is has to do a lot with me being so nervous and caught up with packing and stuff. “Mentally overworked”.. hehe… He’s probably right. I said I didn’t want to start any Cipro (antibiotic) at the moment and just see if the climate change in Africa will do me any good. I’ll still take some with me just in case.

So yeah, that’s it again….this week is full of having leaving drinks, making a few last phone calls or writing some emails to tell everyone I’m off….

…cos it’s only 145 hours until I leave..!


  • At January 16, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    heya. im at home just to pick up some clothes and then back to hospital, but i just wanted to say hi before you left since i may not have a chance to check the net again before you jet off. i think youll be fine with the english. i mean, you know it more than me. and no sweat about health. the climate will definitely do wonders. just be careful with that cipro in the sun! and aggrevate pete and truds for me too when you see them.

    good luck!

  • At January 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heey Janka! I am sorry it took me so long to read your stories.. But i find it really interesting and you write very well girl! I hope you'll have a good trip.. We moved into our new house and it is really comfy and all. We'll keep in touch! xxxx Arja

  • At January 17, 2006, Blogger Becky said…

    Hiya Janka

    Sorry I haven't visited for a bit - can't believe it's almost time for you to go! You have absolutely no worries as far as language goes...I didn't even know that stuff, and I'm sure as hell the students won't!

    So you're planning on visiting me in Edinburgh when you're done are you? It's much cooler than London! (not that I have ever been there)

    Not so good about the lung function but hopefully the climate will help. Anyway if I don't hear from you before before you leave, give me a call on 0791 320 2601 when you get here - don't think you can stop by without catching up!

  • At January 17, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    Thanks guys...it's so much fun to get comments!!!

    Jaanie - you had to go back to the hospital..that sucks, I hope you're doing ok. But I think you are since you're a lot braver than me when it comes to IV's (well, that doesn't take very much..hehe)
    Make sure everyone comes by for a visit so you don't die from boredom...but then, you have this ipod thingy with some very cool tunes on it -ahh..I absolutely LOVE the de-loused album by the way!!- oh yeah, quick question: Is Holly Cookie Baker..?! They look so damn much alike....!!! anyways...take care and make sure you keep posting on your blog so we all know what the hell you're doin'...;)
    Arja - I hope you had an amazing birhday/house warming party! I'm so glad you and Jelmer are happy in the new house..even though I don't think I could ever do that. Like Michael said, I'm too scared of commitment, I couldn't even buy a x-mas tree...hehe, so true...! Big hugg to the both of you and I'll definitely have to come by before going back to oz and check the house out. If by that time the extra room is still for guests...hehe.
    Becky - thanks for the confidence about my TEFL. I think I really wanna try this out so I better kick myself in the arse and get things done...
    Stupid me, I have sent you an email with my flight details but to the wrong address...yeah, I know. Don't comment..;) I'll send another email to the address you gave me here in a sec. Would be awesome to catch up! And I'm actually thinking of going to Edinburger for a while after South Africa. Depends on the job,though. And on the weather. I've heard it's not too great but maybe I can stay there over the summer.
    Anyways...hope to see ya soon!

  • At January 18, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    heya. well, im at home now doing the rest of the iv's here, which is good. that hospital was really starting to get to me... and yes, holly is the one and only cookie. well done!

  • At January 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, ich schreib ma auf deutsch ne können die anderen noch was lernen:)
    Hab gstern so gegen 16.00 Uhr versucht anzurufen...wollte dir noch nen guten Flug wünschen.
    Falls du s heut noch schaffen solltest, meld dich ich würd mich sehr freuen.
    Ansonsten eine ganz tolle Zeit achja und falls du mit Cipro in die Sonne gehst schick mal ein Foto:)



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