Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Vaccination day....and more doctors....!

Well, x - mas is over and I´m kinda glad…I´m not too big on this family-get-together-all-smiley-happy-faces…
Plus, I´m so busy I don´t really have time for any kind of holiday…it´s amazing how many more little things pop up only a few weeks before take-off that have to be done or organised or dealt with…and evidently my time-management needs improving…;)
I just got in touch with Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide to see who´s in charge of the National CF Association in South Africa. I need to know whether I can bring all my meds into the country without problems (sometimes they are a bit funny about antibiotics…) but from my experience everything up to a 3-months supply is fine with a doctor´s letter. I prefer to just carry a months-supply in my suitcase and post the rest by mail. That way I can carry more clothes.. and yeah, I guess I´m a bit of a girl about that.. I don´t care though….hehe.
So I have to ask, maybe even call the South African Embassy, if it´s possible to post my meds. I have always done that on my previous travels but I´m not sure about how things are in Africa.
Usually no one really knows what the deal about all that is exactly so I just pack and post my meds and at the customs act like it´s all been checked before. A few very important-looking documents really help…! And of course, giving the guys at the customs an earful when they wanna start bitching does as well….;)
Then I´ll have to check for CF clinics near Worcester which means the closest is probably in Cape Town. I already have an address but I think I´ll give them a ring and see if I can come by, have a chat with the doctor and maybe even get a lung function sometime around feb or march. I have found it quite useful to have these kind of contacts, that way in case I do need help I already know someone there. Of course, that kinda stuff is gonna be a bit tricky since my insurance doesn´t cover “pre-existing conditions” so obviously CF things (like any tests or doctor´s visits or medication) aren´t gonna be paid for. But from my experience if you get in touch with the right people and ask, there´s always a way around things.
And of course…vaccinations…!
Probably no biggie for most people but I`m just scared as hell of needles..(that´s one reason I keep the IV´s to a limit…waay to much pain)! It´s funny cos I have travelled through half of Australia with a knee that needed surgery, I did Jiu-Jitsu for two years and after practise I would come home all bruised up, I don´t mind getting piercings or tattoos done…so it´s not that I can´t take pain…but when I see a syringe with a needle.. that just makes me wanna run…! I was actually quite lucky that I got half of the requested vaccination stuff done before I went to Australia…so lucky me.. I only have to get six shots…argh!
Some of the vacc. I´m getting is because I´ll be working with street kids, for example typhoid fever and rabies. There´s nothing you can do really for malaria exept for take some pills when you go in a certain area…but some stuff doesn´t go well with my antibiotics so I guess there´s some useful information…;)
So the other day I got three of the six shots….and for two days I was basically out of it. To be honest, I had a bit of a cold and you´re not supposed to get shots when you feel ill already…but I didn´t have much of a choice. Between the rabies shots there has to be a certain period of time and since I´m leaving in less than four weeks….yeah, I know….next time..;)
I felt shit for a coupla days, then xmas and today…dadaaaaa…I went to another doctor to get my polyps (I think Jaan described it as “pea-sized growth that grows in your sinuses...quite common for CFers"….so i´ll just copy that, haha) checked out. I mean, I know I have them cos I have lost my sense to smell things a while ago….not that it bothered me enough to go to a doctor then, though. And now it has been more than ten years since they last removed them…yeah, time just flies by…! To be honest, the only reason I went now is because when I met Jaan in London he made me feel so slack (he claimed he got his removed every coupla years..!) that I had to get it done…cheers, Jaan, hehe.. !Tomorrow I have to go and get a CT so they can see what they`ll have to do. It´s not that urgent though so no drama if surgery has to wait until after Africa…

Anything else? Nah.. only that the weather sucks…a lot of rain, a bit of some snowy-mushy stuff ..nowhere near enough to have a snowall fight…so I can´t wait to get out of here…!


  • At December 27, 2005, Blogger Jaanie said…

    janka janka janka. what am i going to do with you? your posts are WAY better than mine ever were, and for cfers, i think your blog is totally kicking arse! very informative. mine was just random stupid thoughts. so keep it up!

  • At December 28, 2005, Blogger Becky said…

    Here here!

  • At December 28, 2005, Blogger Janka said…

    ah...I´m so glad you like it..! I´m starting to feel comfortable with it as well even though I think yours is waaaay cooler cos you got alot of posts (my archievs are pathetic!!) and you can do this pic-uploading thing...will try my best to do that as well once I´m in africa.
    well, haven´t told most of my friends about it yet..should do that though since that´s what this blog is for, eh?!

  • At December 28, 2005, Blogger Jaanie said…

    i think so. but trust me, i think you are definitely onto a winner here! keep it up. and dont worry. the archives will start to fill up nicely.

  • At December 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HI Janka,
    Just stopping by from CFW to say hi and offer support from all of us here!

    You go girl…… as far as you can, as long as you can on whatever you can! And thanks for taking us along. Keep the info coming and we will keep the international CF community tuned in for updates!

    Breath easy, good health and peace,

    Christine Noke-Khwaja
    CFW Program Director

  • At January 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    loving the posts... and make sure u do keep this up when u go to africa!... oh and I promise that cd will be with you soon!

    lataz cx

  • At January 09, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    yeah man..it better be! hehe
    and thanks for the comment (esp. the last one....lol!)


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