Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

@ the surf 'n' chill backpackers in Cape Town

Yeah, guys..I've made it..even though the trip here has already been so adventorous...
It all started with my flight from Bremen to London Luton being an hour late which meant that there was only very limited public transport available to get to London city. No biggie, really but the group of germans who got off the plane was quite confused and helpless. One elderly lady was trying desperately to call her daughter in London to pick her up. Didn't work until I showed her how to unlock the keypad from her mobile. And then there's a girl, Melanie, who was visiting her friend in London for the first time but the direction she got didn't work anymore cos some tubes stopped running. So Kai, a bloke I met on the plane and I took her with us to King's cross and drew her a map of where she needed to go. Poor girl was panicking, she couldn't even buy her own ticket...
So I finally got to the bus station at Hammersmith where I waited for Becky to pick me up. When we got to her place, there were loads of people around cos every one of her flatmates seemed to have a friend sleeping over. So i was quite lucky to safe myself a spot on the sofa to crash. Not before playing a round of the famous " where's Jankas accent from" game and one girl actualy said that I had the strongest Kiwi accent she'd ever heard...!!!
Anyways, after a very lazy morning (thanks for the delicious french toast, becky!) and some funny girlie talk(ah, your earrings look nice today...oh, I love your new boots, where did you get them from...) we decided to all go out for a booze lunch which was fantastic and so Becky and I totally forgot the time and when we did check our watches we had to run, get my bag and rush to the substitute bus to Akton Town since they were working on the district line. So I was running a bit late, having to catch the tube to Heathrow but luckily i knew my way around quite well since it had only been two months since we took Jaan to the airport.
No problems at the check-in, I told them about the medication in my bag but they just didn't care at all. Great, so i rushed through the security check and to the departure gate only to find out I had lost my boarding pass. So, 20 minute walk back again to the security people who told me to ask at the gate..argh!!! Back at the gate, I found my boarding pass, I had mixed it up with my tickets back to London in April...
Then, boarding on the plane where I found out I had the absolut shit seat: in the middle of the middle....but then, it turned out that I actually had quite a cool guy sitting next to me from South Africa (he looks like a mixture between Peter and Russel Crowe) so we chatted for the 10 hours the flight lasted. Means, I was dead tired when I arrived in Johannesburg.
There I had to get my luggage, go through all the security check again and properly check out, leave the aiport, walk for half a mile (or so) and then get back in at the domestic departure terminal. And all that in less than half an hour, trying to cope with the sudden weather change.
Ah..I loved it...
So swetty as hell but right on time I checked my bag in again, again mentioning my meds for the customs and again, no one cared...WHY DO I WRITE THOSE DOCUMENTS FOR...?!
Anyways..ran to the gate, this time with my boarding pass, sat down in my assignet seat (window this time, yaay!!) and fell fast asleep. Seriously, I didn't even notice the take-off.
I was supposed to be picked up at the airport by someone from the volunteer-organisation but as expected...not a soul waiting for me. I know Germans tend to be exactly on time and they ofetn expect others to do the same so i thought I'd chill a bit but aftervtwo ours of hanging around and getting strange looks I decided to call my in-land coordinator and ask what the deal was. Nice, they simply forgot to pick me up cos I wasn't at the international arrivals like all the others, i was at the domestic ones. So all the volunteers had been picked up and taken to the hostel here in Cape Town where we all are staying until tomorrow, exept for me, the german idiot..hehe
So the driver had to come back and pick me up, a funny dude who's new in the job and was really sorry..I found it hilarious, I hadn't expected anything else.
So we had a fun ride back to the hostel and because they didn't realise i was coming, the hostel dorm for the volunteers was already full, which means now I have a double room al by myself...nice! Especially when i do my nebs in the morning.
So all day we were just chilling, chatting to other volunteers and having a great barbeque out on the porch...ah, that's so cool! Quite wicked though as well, when 24 hours ago I was in freezing cold London...

So tomorrow we're having the orientation at 9.00 am and then we'll be taken to our projects.

Healthwise, I have to say, my lungs felt so much better the moment I got off the airport in London, which doesn't really make any sense but I guess it's psychological. And I'm doing great so far here.

yeah, long post, I better head off to bed. Big day tomorrow.

ah, Jaan: You were totally right about how to upload the pics from my camera to the PC..it worked fine, I just didn't have the camera connected to the PC at first...DO NOT COMMENT THAT, hehehe...


  • At January 23, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    wow, sounds like quite a hectic trip. but we wouldnt expect anything less! see, i told ya that its not even worth telling the authorities about meds. but glad to hear you got there in one piece. and well done on sitting next to a cool guy! can you believe out of all the flights i took, not ONE person i could talk to?? talk about being ripped off...

  • At January 23, 2006, Blogger Becky said…

    Hiya Janka, thanks for stopping by... It was a short but sweet visit! No probs about the French toast, glad it was nice enough for you to eat. Btw I can't believe how well you described my girlie housemates in this post - it made me laugh!

    I had a horrible feeling you wouldn't make that flight...stupid London transport!

    So have you had time to breath and get a bit of a feel for South Africa? How's the program going so far?

  • At January 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey girl!!!
    Sorry for being so late in leaving a comment. You're doing great with this Blog, really cool!Love the way you write (sounds like having you here back again, can almost hear your voice telling all the funny stories...man, why is my life so fucking boring at the moment?!Que envidia!!).
    Well, I'm just back from meine Pruefung...aber weiss nicht, ob ich es bestanden habe! I had some shitty grammar exercises and a Textarbeit in which I was supposed to talk about Mauerfall und Wiedervereinigung. It reminded me of the Ossies bananas stories...should have written it, don't you think?!
    Well sweetheart, keep on writing and let us know what you're up to there,ok?
    Take care
    P.S. Really enjoyed being called your favourite 'ragazza'!!!

  • At January 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    P.P.S. Ahhhh... I forgot to tell! Do you know who's sleeping in my bed at the moment? Don't get me wrong (not at all what you're thinking about, you dirty mind!Hmmm unfortunately, i have to admit!!), the gossip is about our dear crazy friend Valeria!Guess what?José is here!!!For a week, maybe more.So here's your answer to the question 'who's fu*ing who at the moment'. Should have answer privately and not on blog?...Maybe but who cares!So yeah, they kind of kicked me out my bedroom... and I'm sleeping on the couch next to poor (jalous) Armando, who by the way complains about me snoring. Could this ever be?!!!
    Ok, that's it for now. No more gossips!!

  • At January 29, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    Haha, patrizia, you are definitely one of the worst snorers I have EVER heard! ;) Can't believe Jose actually turned up in Torino! I'm sure Vale is gonna drive him crazy, hehe!Give her and Armando a big hugg from me! Hope your exams are going well...and you could have definitely scored a few points mentioning the bananas...heheh!
    Make sure you keep me updated on the gossip, it's so much fun to read!!
    xxx Janka

  • At January 29, 2006, Blogger Kiera said…

    Hey! This is a great blog. Will follow your adventures with interest.

    Best wishes.


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