Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

The last post in 2005

There I go, my last post in 2005….makes me think I should write some decent stuff…ah.. maybe not…;)
There’s some great news and some that kinda suck…so whatcha wanna hear first…?
Well, the bad news is that after getting the CT done it’s pretty obvious that I’ll have to get surgery. I know, after 13 years of being so slack with it, I guess I could have expected that. But it just doesn’t fit at all into my already tight schedule…!!!
I mean, it’s not super-urgent, the doctor even said that for ignoring the polyps for that long he would have expected things to be much worse. But something has definitely to be done…
So yeah, no way I’ll mess with this shit before Africa. But after I have finished the volunteering programme it will be mid-April and that’s when I’m planning to go back to the UK, get a decent job for the summer and maybe get some more TEFL qualifications so by the time it gets cold I can leave and go to Latin America and work there as a paid English teacher.
That is, if things don’t change along the way…haha!
Ah.. hell, my polyps could wait 13 years, they can do another year or two…I’ll try to get things sorted out before I move back to Australia..;)
Enough of that, let’s get to the good news….
After emailing and making phone calls all around the world I have finally found the ultimate CF contact in Cape Town!!
Karin Kratz, a lovely lady who is the chairman (or woman..?!) of the CF Association in South Africa and mum of a 37-year-old CFer. She gave me lots of information about bringing my meds into the country (the Embassy of South Africa said I couldn’t post any kind of drugs by mail and I could only bring a one-month-supply with me in the suitcase. Well, since I’m staying there for three months, that’s not gonna help me much, is it..?!) and I’m sure I’ll manage to get a lung function somehow once I’m there…
For the customs I’ll get a letter from my doctor, a list of the medication I’m taking, explaining what every medicament is for plus a paper explaining what CF is. That should do it for a 3-month-supply in my luggage. If they still bitch, I’ll get them to call Mr. Willcox, the CF-doctor at the clinic in Cape Town.
So I’m glad I got that done and I’ll make sure I’ll give Karin and the CF clinic a visit..!

Other than that I've gotten another two vaccination shots.... so only one more to go..yaay!
And I'm starting to freak out cos it’s only like 3 (THREE!!!) weeks until take-off…!! I always get this before a “big” trip….first, I’m all excited and can’t wait for the time to come…and the, like now…BOOM! I start to panic, write bitchy, frustrated and drowning-in-self-pity kinda emails to a certain person I hope doesn’t care too much and just hits the “delete” button a coupla times…( Cheers, Jaan!!), my level of confidence drops to about zero and I’m convinced that “I just can’t do that!!”
You think with the travelling I have done so far things should get better…well, they don’t.

But apart from that I’m good to go and finally escape this winter weather ( I’ve busted my arse twice today riding my dad’s push bike on the snowy-icy road…grrr!!)

So yeah… everyone getting wasted tonight…. Have a drink for me as well since I’m planning on staying sober…( as surprising as that might sound for a certain group of people….hehe)

I’m so looking forward to a lot of things this year….I have no resolutions but lots of plans….and I know most of you do as well…so let’s go for it!!

Have a great 2006 everyone and I hope I’ll get to see some of you this comin´year !!!

ps. ah...and of course I'm joining Becky's "let's copy Jaan" campaign...so here is what I'm listening to: the mars volta - de-loused in the comatorium


  • At January 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    no puedo escribir en inglés pero intentaré....

    good to see you doing ok, you should stayed here in Malaga, very nice weather! I wish you a lot of luck for 2006 and for your trip! I know you will make it!

    Te echo de menos...I miss you!
    un beso fuerte a ti

  • At January 02, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    glad to hear things are starting to sort themselves out, despite the craziness of it all. only 3 weeks... thats insane. keep up the good work!


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