Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

the first post

So here it is. My blog.
Finally, after a lot of "Hin und Her" like we Germans say, I decided to follow this mainstream of blogging.
Reason Nr.1: I just hate mass emails and I´m tired of listening to the bitching of my dear friends ("what have you been doing...? I haven´t heard from you in ages....! Are you still alive...?!" etc..)..hehe..I know, I´m quite slack with the writing...;)
But this blog isn´t just about my travels and keeping in touch with my friends.
It´s also about me and my life with Cystic Fibrosis. Some of my friends don´t even know I have CF, they probably don´t even know what it is. Some of you guys know about it, but only that "it´s something like asthma" and that it makes me cough. Can´t blame you for that though, cos that´s what I told you.
Friends that I have since childhood know about me and CF but we never talked about it so they know I have it but they don´t know how I feel about it.
The reason for this weird "mezcla" is that depending on the stage of my life where I met those folks, I dealt with my CF quite differently.
As a child, I didn´t really care if people knew about me having Cystic Fibrosis but as a teenager and especially when I started working I became more aware of it and how it affected my surroundings. And I was always healthy enough to hide it.
I didn´t do that out of embarassement. I just didn´t want for the Cystic Fibrosis to influence my life, I didn´t want any advantages or disadvantages because of my health condition.
Adjusting my life to Cf in any way meant for me "giving up" or "letting CF take over my life" and i certainly didn´t want that.
I was thinking a lot in "black-and-white" and that only changed on my work & travel trip in Australia 2004/05.
Ways of live there are much relaxter than they are here in Germany (or did I just have a different mind-set..??) and I began to see things about my CF a bit differently.
I realised that if I didn´t keep on fighting the CF so aggressively and even sometimes ignoring it, but rather deal with it, I end up living happier - and healthier.
That doesn´t mean I take more meds than before or spend more time with doctors. But I do consider my health more when it comes to making decisions about where or how I travel or live, what kind of work I look for or how and what I tell my friends.
Part of it is this blog.
I want to get it straight, not to dramatise things but I vowed to myself that I keep posting even when my health isn´t at its best. So if I start being slack, someone better remind me of these lines...!

ah...and before anyone starts wondering why I´m writing in English...
Due to my previous travels and living abroad, my group of friends is quite international and i didn´t feel like making a dutch, italian, american, spanish, swedish, belgium, french and german version (..not that I would actually be able to DO that...hehe) so i figured english is a language we can all agree on....:)

...which leads me to the next thing: I´m obviously not writing in native language, so please excuse
  • wrong grammar
  • wrong use of words
  • foul language - I´ll try to keep it at a min...promised! (to blame are certain britsh/american/canadian/australian individuals I travelled/lived with...!!) If substituted for a word I couldn´t think of...creative minds, new words are always welcome!!

Damn, this is my first post - the hardest thing to do!! - and it´s probably just as boring as all the other "first entries"..but as least it´s not as short... :)

ah..better stop now and start tomorrow with a proper post about what I´m doing...cos this is why I started this bloody blog in the first place, eh?!


  • At December 20, 2005, Blogger Dulce Nurul Maria said…

    Hi. Nice blog. Love to hear more from you. Keep wrting ya?

  • At December 21, 2005, Blogger Jaanie said…

    woot! janka has a blog! how cool is she?? by far the coolest cf person i have EVER met. heck, maybe even the coolest person ever, cf aside. keep it up! if you dont, you will be hearing from me and pete!!!


  • At December 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ha! finally bit the bullet and got on with writing your blog!... (well u often need a kick up the b-hind eh!) hope to see much more on here and hope u get round to putting some photos on your blog too!

  • At December 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mario just told me about your blog (I guess he just needed a translator..lol). Good to see what you´ve been up to...but Africa...where did that come from?! anyway..we need to catch up...I miss you like crazy!!!
    Love, Leah


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