Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Yep, it time to go...
I'm gonna spare you all with the usual "oh my god, time just flew by and I can't believe it's been 3 months already..." But that's exactly what it feels like.

Even though I'm kinda excited about what's gonna happen in the UK I really don't wanna leave. I really enjoyed the time here, met awesome people, made great friends and actually felt very much at home here in Adelaide. But hey, I'm definitely coming back here so I should see them all very soon. In fact, Peter and Trudy are planning to move back to the UK in July and Jaan and Alice are gonna go travelling at the beginning of next year so we only have to organise where and when we catch up again...:)

Anyway, what's been happening....a hell of a lot again.

About two weeks ago Holly, a friend of Jaans who is a very successful musician as well as a wicked person, had a gig at her home town Warooka in the Yorke Peninsula as they had a concert to "lift the farmer spirits" again cos of the drought. Jaan, who accompanies Holly on the guitar and holly were playing on the footy oval, on the back of a semi-trailor...hehe, can't get much more rural, can it..?! Alice, Lisa, Ben (Holly's boyfriend who's a photographer)and I went along and stayed at Holly's parents' farm and it was great! So relaxed and chilled out and so in the middle of nowhere...it was great for a coupla days with a car and stuff but I dunno if I'd wanna be a teenager living there without a license...:)

Last tuesday I went to the Royad Adelaide Hospital to get a lung function before leaving and thanks to nurse Rosie ( I introduced myself to her went i first arrived) that was no problem at all and I didn't even have to pay anything. I had an FEV of 52% which is ok considering that I was at 46% when I left Germany in January, feeling quite shite after the sinus surgery and all. Also I have been working here and even though i do exercise I don't spend much time on my therapy exept for nebulising and a bit of AD. So physically I'm doing well and I'm hoping for it to stay that way in the Uk. But I'm optimistic since they're going into their summer and I heard the weather is pretty sunny in germany so in London it should be similar.

Wednesday was ANZAC day and since Peter's birthday is on may 3rd we planned to have a joined birthday party. I mean, we planned to have it sometime in may but because I'm leaving earlier (and I have to admit I was a bit disappointed to be in London all by myself on my 25th birthday...heheh)we decided to have a pre-birthday party at Corilole Winery which is Alice's mum's place.Now even for a PRE-birthday party you need a birthday cake and even though I'm absolutely useless in the kitchen I felt pretty confident about the challenge of making a cake. Then I made the mistake of calling Peter and asking what kinda cake he wanted....ok, any Aussie probably has at least heard of chocolate mud cake but for me the concept of eatinga cake that's completely raw on the inside is just...gutwrenching. heheh, nah, it was all good but I think I really did mess up that cake. Hell, everyone else thought it was ok...:)
It was an absolutely absolutely great day, we rented a family car which was huge and even had bottle holding thingies on the seats so Trudy and I killed a bottle of wine (the Villa Maria Estate from NZ...sooo god!!) on the way up there. As you all can see in the pics is an absolutely gorgeous place and even though it was supposed to rain that night we had an awesome day with good food, tasty wine and it was just more than I could ever expect for a birthday party. I even got some prezzies which came totally unexpected so by the time I got home I was in tears about having to leave all of these people.

oh man, Alic is picking me up for dinner and then we're meeting up with the rest of them at the Elephant walk for coffee and dessert...will write from the UK next time.
take care you all!



  • At May 01, 2007, Blogger Jaanie said…

    australia's glad to see the back of ya.

    just kidding!! it was an absolute pleasure to have you here these past few months. al and i were just saying last night how weird it is not having you here anymore... you are an adelaidian now, and this will always be a home for you.

    we will definitely say hi to all the grace kids for ya. speak soon!!

  • At May 01, 2007, Blogger alice said…

    No, seriously, we ARE glad to see the back of you....

    You totally need to come back soon! But I'll order you a REAl beer - none of this 'half and half' stuff you sip on. Mental! Got no one to pass the blame onto in London do you! You can still say its for me to save face, I dont mind ;)

    xx Call us soon xx

  • At May 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sorry, I'm way too late.. guess Jelmer already congratulated you from me aswell but.. Happy 25th!! I hope you are enjoying yourself in the UK. Have you had interviews yet? Nthing new here, just work and this weekend i will probably stay home for a change. Good luck and have fun! XXX Ar

  • At May 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He Janka!!!

    How are you?? Don't know if you still remember me, but we met in Amsterdam when you were there with Arja, Tjitske, Ramona and Jelmer :-)! Finally I got the addres of your site from your great dutch Malaga friends!!!

    didn't have time to read all your stories, but I hope you're doing well at the moment! really cool to read your Australia story, so now up to London?!! Wonderful!!

    Hope everything will go alright over there and I'm soon gonna read all your interesting stories!

    Have fun over there!!
    Lotte!! (friend from Arja, Tjitske and Patrizia in Turin :-))

  • At May 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sweetie!! How are you?! Hows life in the UK at the moment and do you miss australia? I am in Groningen now, have to arrange some shit here for school. I need 0,1 point extra to pass my last exam...! This weekend I will go to the north of Holland with my fam, can use a relax weekend! Did a lot of busy (but nice) things. Hop you are doing fine, good luck!! Hug Tjitske

  • At June 11, 2007, Blogger Becky said…

    Hello lovely how are ya?!?!?

    I shouldn't be one to nag for an update I know, but where's your update?

    Where are you? You still in the South West or have you headed back to the big smoke?

    Hope you're doing ok and feeling good.


  • At June 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Janka! Thanks a lot for your postcard!! Was really happy to receive it and to hear from you :). Hope you're still doing good. Your life sounds interesting, hihi :). Hope to see you soon. Do you allready know, what your next destination will be? Maybe Holland again... :)? Big hug Tjitske

  • At June 22, 2007, Blogger alice said…

    Hi Janka! Where are you? I miss you and have already read THIS post. you should write another so i know what you are up to and stuff and stuff.

    Lots of love and hugs and kisses for you my dear.

  • At July 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, I agree! NEW POST PLEASE! :)
    Even Arja en Jelmer have a new post already... ;-). Here life is ok! In a week I will go to France with a friend: surfing, moutainbiking and relaxing at the beach. We'll go by car, so it's gonna be a nice roadtrip :). Since last week, I am busy with a project for the Tuk Tuk Company and I am earning real money! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • At July 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    BTW: my german teacher was realy happy with my summary of the thesis...;-) So thanks Janka! XX

  • At July 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ooooh hahaha, that's realy stupid: forgot to write my name down.... But the last 2 posts was me: Tjitske

  • At July 20, 2007, Blogger Tina said…

    hey guys,

    does anyone of you know how Janka is doing? I didn´t hear anything for a while and so I´m a little worried... Janka, if you read this: write me an Email, please :)

    Kind regards,
    Tina from Germany

  • At July 22, 2007, Blogger Jaanie said…

    janka, i know you're not dead.
    so please update.
    even if it's in dot point form.
    i wanna get our place ready for you to come back again.

  • At August 08, 2007, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi guys,

    Anyone heard from Janka yet?


  • At November 24, 2007, Blogger Tina said…

    Hi Janka,

    haven´t seen you online for a while! Still everything alright in the UK? Do you like the way of life there?

    Hope to meet you on Skype the next weeks!

    greets, tina


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