Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Only 5 days in SA left!

Damn, it's been a month again since my last post but there's simply not much going on here at the moment.
We've got only very few guests at the hostel, I think it's the quietest time Chill&Surf has ever had. There are three volunteers staying here at the time; Mark (new ladd, don't get him confused with my irish surf buddy Mark), Becky and Sarah (all brits...surprise, surprise..haha).
These guys couldn't be more different from each other - but they're great fun...most of the time anyway :)
Sarah cried lots when she first arrived - homesick, that poor girl - so I took her to church cos she told me she normally goes at least once a week and she really misses it. On unday we went looking for a catholic church (Sarah refused to go to any other church) and I actuakky went INSIDE with her, attending the service and all for a whole hour (one of the longest 60 mins of my life, to be honest!) and everyone who knows me knows how much I had to drag my self inside that "house of god"...and stay there. But it was worth it, Sarah really enjoyed it and looked at lot happier afterwards.

I haven't been doing much at all exept for trying to get better which I have, a little bit.
So I'm definitely up for the trip to Germany on Monday.
It'll be a bitch of a trip though. First I gotta catch a flight from Cape Twon to Jo'burg, get my luggage there, change from Domestic Airport to International, check my bag in again and catch my flight to Heathrow (and I only have less than two hours in Jo'burg!), I'll arrive in London at 7.00am, hang around for 12hrs and then catch a flight from Luton to Bremen, where I'll arrive at about 9.00pm and probably won't look my best since I'll be tired and without a nebuliser from the time I leave Cape Town.

The reason why I'm going straight back to good ol' Germany is my health. I originally planned on staying in the Uk and get a job but since my nebuliser broke down - and still needs fixing - and even though I'm not as sick as I was before, my health still needs to improve if I wanna go abroad and work proper shifts.
So, back to my parents (cheers for letting me stay again by the way!) and do an IV (argh...!).

I remember in april, when I was meant to leave South Africa, I wasn't ready at all but now I feel like I kinda wanna get out of here.
It's been great but I've been living and working at Chill&Surf for like 4 months nowand for the last 4 weeks I haven't even surfed....so I'm getting itchy feet.
It's a bit weird though cos people here don't expect to see me go, they kinda figured I'd stay forever.
I'm at the point where I can go out to the pubs and I know I'll meet someone I know, mostly locals which is nice and kinda makes me feel at home but on the other hand I think I have to move on. I dunno why. Maybe it's the tiny bit of arrogance that makes me think "this can't be it, there has to be more out there" and the things I've seen, done and learned and the people I've met are simply not enough. There's more to do and I wanna "see it all"....whatever that is. Then I turn around and think: Fuck, the people in my life that really matter to me I hardly see -what sense does that make..?! And I wonder if all this travelling is becoming a kind of habit, interested in everything but not being able to commit myself to anything (friendships, jobs, places to live, etc...).
Anyways, i won't bore you with my pre-menstrual emotional shit anymore...:)
Pierre's offered me a job at the hostel for the summer season, starting in December. I guess I'll give it a thought but I'm not entirely sure if that's what I want. at the end of the day, this job is not the most challenging, even though then it'd be different cos Dec-March is peak season and Pierre is making lots of changes at and around Chill&Surf so it should be way busier than now.

Well, looks like I've got some things to think about while I'm back in Bremen....will also try to catch up with some of my dear friends in germany...haven't seen most of you in ages!!!!

x J.


  • At June 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Janka!! Must be very strange for you to go back to Germany again, the good thing its summer here and we can visit You!! I hope you're health will improve soon so you are able to do what you want! Big kiss arja

  • At June 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi girl!
    Finally news from you, I was starting to get a bit worried... ;)
    So you're going back to Bremen on tuesday? Guess it's hard to leave again. I hope I get to see you soon. I'll be done with exams on the 16th July. Leaving to Barcelona with Valeria on the 1st August. Maybe I could visit you in germany before that, or we could meet somewhere.I'm so looking fwd to that!No plans for the summer yet huh?I feel like spanish fiesta again!!!
    Well, enjoy your last days in SA and talk soon when you're back,ok?
    Big hug Janka!

  • At June 30, 2006, Blogger Jaanie said…

    hey love

    that sucks that you have to get straight back to germany, but when your health calls, you have to obey.

    are you going to catch up with pete and truds for the 12 hours in ye olde london town?

    just make sure you enjoy your last days there... :)

  • At June 30, 2006, Blogger Janka said…

    ahh....I've abandoned this blog for so long but you guys still write me...you're the best!!

    will catch up with all of you asap!


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