Janka´s journey

This is Janka´s blog about travelling with Cystic Fibrosis.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Adelaide Cf hospital, Adelaineans and more of them

Tah-daa.... loads of good news here...!!

Ok, where to start...last week we went to some of Alice's jewellery exhibitions which were great fun since usually I'm not so much around arty-creative people( or at least they don't pursue that plan if they have it) and I'm yelling ya...there sure as hell were a nutter or two but all of them really nice..:) There was even a guy from The Messenger, a local paper I reckon, and a day or two later a picture of Jaan and me's in there...hehe, not even 48 hours after first touching ground in lovely Adelaide...
Seriously though, Alices stuff is really cool, she just makes stuff out of really normal things like puzzle pieces or dictionary explanations..I dunno, you have to see it. Gotta ask her and Jaan for some photos that i can post.

So i started looking for house shares and it was a bit frustrating cos there are a lot of nice and affordable places but most of them had a minimum stay of months or longer which I can't commit to 100% because if I don't get another visa I'll have to move out before then. then I almost had a place, right at the beach but then the girl rang and said she's gonna go with the kiwi guy who also had a look at the room cos he can stay longer...argh!!
But then I gave it another go at suburb called St. Peters, a REALLY nice area (one I could never afford if it wasn't a house share in Adelaide), and...I got the room! So cool, I'm living with a couple, Pippy and Tim. They're my age and they are hilarious! Blond, beachy-looking...typical australian for us europeans :) He's a carpet layer, just started his own business 5 days ago and she's studied photography (1 year in Spain so there are some stories to share - mostly of dirty flat mates, shit jobs and cockroaches), wants to be an actress (is currently in a TV commercial) and works part time at The Yoghurt Shop.

Last night we went to her parents' place (who are currently in Melbourne) to visit her sister and man...talking about some wealthy people!!! Huge house, garden...Her dad's South Australia's first glas blower. he makes glas art and sells it for thousands of dollars in the United states! So you see, you can't escape the creativeness here in Adelaide.
Anyway, we're haveing pizza and watching some show on the telly (the australian word for TV- haha) and Pippy and Tim are saying that their ears are still sore...so of course, nosy me wants to know the whole story...and guess what?! They actually got their ears pinned back just 3 weeks ago! And Pippy even got the job done for free since her daddy's friends with the surgeon!!! That's some shit for my blog I tought..heheh. Of course after that revelation I had to take the piss out of them...! But they're cool and funny even though a bit high maintanance sometimes.

So that's that and before I moved out of Jaan's yesterday afternoon he took me along to the Royal Adelaide Hospital (chest clinic) so I could introduce myself to Rosie, the (lovely!) nurse who deals with all the CF stuff. Great, so if anything goes wrong or I need information about getting meds on a new visa I know who to talk to and Rosie was also like "yeah, no worries..we'll look after you". I shouldn't be surprised really, since it was like that in Sydney when I was there last time but I still think it's great that there are these kind of people who always try to find a way to do things even if that causes some inconvinience.

So now since I've got a place to stay the job search is on. will have to see what's available but I think now since the dreads are gone (yes, hair is SHORT!) it shouldn't be too difficult.. Will have to decide whether I just look for some casual part time job to pay my bills or if I already start looking for a place that might sponsor me on an extended visa. I've heard that adventure tours here are doing training ships for tour guides and also sponsorships so I'll definitely check them out.

Anyway, that's it for now...my health is still good and this weekend I'll start exercising, since the botanic garden and the river are just a 5 min walk from new place there is no excuse, eh..?!

All is good, just waiting for something to trip over because when it all goes so well it's scary..:) Still, my mood is excellent, there is the euphoric state I was missing...

xxx Janka


  • At February 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey pankiejankie! Sounds like you're having a good time there! Good to hear you found a place. But hey, short hair?? Pics please!

    Two days before we leave now... getting very excited!

    Take care Jelmer

  • At February 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ha ha! if I post a comment here does this mean I won't get ticked off for reading your blog?!?

    really good to hear that you're chirpin in oz.... can't bloody wait to leave here and get to malaysia... and oz!!!

    ...so you've finally ditched the dreads eh?!? short hair - I need to see a photo!! do u look like pob now? (if you don't know who pob is: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/37/POB.jpg/180px-POB.jpg!!) ha! soz I'm sure you'll get me back for that!! C x

  • At February 12, 2007, Blogger Janka said…

    @ jelmie - hey, you guys must have left by now...when you get to NZ you'll prob get a mobile there, huh? So don't forget to txt me the number! Enjoy the trip amigos!

    @ "anonymous" aka C - haha, very funny! looks like you're dissing my ears more than the hair cut with theb pob pic...:)
    But don't worry, I'll be paying you out galore when you get over here with your beer gut and your glow-in-the-dark white skin!

  • At February 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there! So cool you found a place!! I want to see your hair! Do you like it?? We are in kiwiland now, really like it! Wish you a lot of luck with our jobhunt!! xx Arja

  • At February 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He Janka! Just texted you our nz number. Dit you get it? Its about time for a new post isn't it??

    Hows it there up west? We are really doing well here. Nice place to live and Arja works from 8 to 5 haha. I just got myself a job as prepchef, starting today!!

    Take care hope to hear from you soon

    Besos Jelmer

  • At March 14, 2007, Blogger Jaanie said…


    geez... slacker... ;)

  • At March 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Janka!! Update!!

    How are you? Still working two jobs, have you found a bike yet? How is your health?

    Sure hope you come over to stay with us! Should not be too expensive to stay here for a while because there's not a lot to do! Hahah! Would be perfect for you to excercise, read books etc! Anyways.. let us know if you might come and about when because we are also planning a trip and therefor have to arrange days off work etc!

    Hope you are well chica, see ya! xx

  • At March 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Janka!
    I just received your postcard, thanks a lot!!!
    I didn't know you were in Australia again. Enjoy your trip baby ;-)
    Big kisses and hugs,
    your wild thing,
    Kimi ;-p

  • At March 24, 2007, Blogger Becky said…

    Yo Janka!

    Well you may not be on time with the updates but at least you're better than me! I'm back in the blog world after 5 or 6 months :)

    It's been cool seeing you around adelaide, looking forward to catching up again soon!!!


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